Photo of a kid posing in front of a large box of collected donated food against background of hearts (background); Courtesy of family (all other images)

A Day to Give

Bethany Moultry prepares and gives out care packages she calls “happy bags” to people who are homeless.

For many Americans, the days after Thanksgiving are all about shopping. But not for Bethany Moultry. The 9-year-old from Gardiner, New York, spends those days preparing to give to others. Since 2012, the Tuesday after Thanksgiving has been a day to help people in need. It’s called GivingTuesday.

Last year, 37 million people in the United States took part in GivingTuesday. People cleaned up their neighborhoods, hosted toy drives, donated to animal shelters, and spread kindness in other ways.  

Help for the Homeless

Last GivingTuesday, Bethany helped people who are homeless, something she had already been doing for four years. In 2022, more than 580,000 people in the U.S. experienced homelessness. In recent years, that number has been on the rise.

“When I was 5, I saw a homeless person by the side of the road,” Bethany says. “I wanted to open up my piggy bank and give him all my money.”

Instead, Bethany and her mom handed out what they call “happy bags.” The kits include food, blankets, socks, and a toothbrush. Bethany also drops in a handwritten note. So far, she’s donated 5,000 bags to the homeless.

This GivingTuesday, Bethany plans to also make bags for people in nursing homes. She hopes to encourage other kids to help people too.

“We all have the power within us to make a difference in the world no matter what age you are,” Bethany says. 

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