AGE of a shopping list from 1633 that was recently found under a floorboard
of a house in Knoll, England. The list includes pewter spoons, a frying pan, and a fire shovel.


PERCENTAGE increase in the number of billionaires worldwide in the past five years. Today, about 2,200 billionaires have a collective wealth of $8 trillion, greater than the GDPs of Germany and France combined.

Source: CNBC

Courtesy of Sotheby’s (lunar bag); Julwitul Tongbai/ (price tag)

AMOUNT that a bag used to bring moon rocks back to Earth in 1969 sold for in July. The bag still contains traces of moon dust.

Source: The New York Times

AVERAGE TEMPERATURE in Fahrenheit for Death Valley, California, in July, the hottest month ever recorded on Earth. It broke the previous record, set in 1917 in Death Valley, of 107.2 degrees.

Source: Los Angeles Times
