Since the 1950s, humans have been leaving clues in space about humanity, hoping they’ll convey something about life on Earth to any aliens that may find them. But no one had bothered to track what we’re transmitting into the great unknown—until now. Paul Quast, director of the Beyond the Earth Foundation, recently published an inventory in the International Journal of Astrobiology. It turns out many of the objects we’ve sent to space are potentially helpful, such as a diagram of our solar system and sketches of human bodies—but then there are also weirder items, such as Stephen Colbert’s DNA on a microchip, a Doritos ad, and even a Tesla. Quast believes it’s crucial that we stay up-to-date on what we choose to share about ourselves. “This project is about looking at the content that we have transmitted out there,” he says, “and analyzing it to understand humanity on a more profound level: how we actively think about ourselves, how we describe our world.”