Hey, what’s that in the sky? UFO sightings in North America increased by more than 75 percent in 2019, according to the National UFO Reporting Center. Nearly 6,000 people looked up and noticed something strange, such as flashing lights or disc-shaped objects, up from about 3,400 the previous year. California had the most sightings, followed by Florida and Washington. The National UFO Reporting Center has existed since the 1970s, but UFO spotting goes back centuries. In fact, experts believe that the writings of Thutmose III, an Egyptian pharaoh who ruled in the 1400s b.c., contain the first written account of a sighting. But many of these modern-day observations might have a logical explanation, according to space experts. “If you’re not keeping up with the news and not familiar with the skyline, you might mistakenly see an unidentified flying object,” Rick Fienberg, a spokesman for the American Astronomical Society, told ABC News. “It may be unidentified to you but known to others.”