Are Gig Workers Employees?


Critical Thinking, Argument writing

Some who do task-based work for gig companies like Uber and DoorDash want the kind of pay and benefits that come with traditional jobs.

Analyze the Article

1. Set Focus 
Pose these essential questions: How is labor dependent on the success of companies? How is the success of companies dependent on labor?

2. Read and Discuss 
Have students read the article, marking key ideas and questions. Then ask them to answer the following questions, citing text evidence:

  • According to the article, what are the pros and cons of gig work? (According to the article, the pros include flexible work hours, the ability to take only the jobs you want, and the potential for great tips. The cons include insecurity about what your pay will be each week, lack of benefits like health insurance, and unpaid time waiting for items to be prepared for delivery.)
  • Why are some gig companies fighting to keep their workers classified as independent contractors? (One reason is that companies don’t have to provide health insurance, sick leave, and other benefits to independent contractors. Another reason is that, in some states, companies do not have to ensure that their gig workers make at least the state’s minimum wage. Both of these factors help companies keep their costs down and their profits up.)
  • The author uses the word messy to describe the debate over whether gig workers should be classified as employees. Why do you think she uses that word? (She probably uses that word because gig workers themselves are divided on how they want to be treated—some want to be employees and some want to remain independent. Also, the many legal battles help make the situation “messy.”)

3. Core Skill Practice
Assign, print, or project the activity Take a Stand. Have students use it to plan and then write a persuasive essay on whether gig workers should be employees, supporting their points with details from the article and other research.

Extend & Assess

4. Writing Prompt
Research two gig companies that operate in your state. Then write a brief essay explaining whether you would want to work for either company and why or why not.

5. Classroom Debate
Should the federal government require drivers in all states to earn at least the minimum wage of the state they work in?

6. Quiz & Skills
Use the quiz to assess students’ comprehension and Organizing Ideas to review outlining skills. 

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