Are Teen Curfews a Good Idea?


Analyzing Authors’ Claims

YES: Rhonda Logan, City Councilwoman, Memphis, Tennessee

NO: Reverend Earle J. Fisher, Abyssinian Baptist Church, Memphis, Tennessee

Analyze the Debate

1. Set Focus
Frame the inquiry with this essential question: What should be the government’s role in keeping young people safe?

2. Read and Discuss
Have students read the debate and then answer the following questions:

  • What is the issue being debated? How does it relate to current events? (The issue is whether curfews are useful in keeping young people safe and reducing crime. The issue is timely because juvenile crime has risen during the pandemic.)
  • Evaluate why these two authors might be interested in and qualified to comment on this issue. (Rhonda Logan and Reverend Earle J. Fisher are leaders in their community, the city of Memphis. Logan is a member of the city council, and Fisher is the head of a church. Both are involved in setting local policies and bringing about community change.)  
3. Core Skill Practice
Project or distribute Analyzing Authors’ Claims and have students use the activity to analyze and evaluate each author’s arguments
  • Analyze Logan’s view. (Logan argues in favor of teen curfews. She says that curfews not only reduce crime but also help keep young people safe because young people who stay out late are at greater risk of becoming victims of crime. She also says that curfew laws are no different than other child protection laws, such as truancy laws.)
  • Analyze Fisher’s view. (Fisher argues against teen curfews. He says that curfews create problems, such as that they are not enforceable without police profiling people and that they take police away from fighting more serious crimes. He also says that most juvenile crime happens before curfews would begin each night, so they don’t reduce crime.)

Extend & Assess

4. Writing Prompt
In an essay, evaluate one of the debaters’ arguments. Assess whether the reasoning is valid and whether it’s supported with evidence. Point out biases or missing information.

5. Classroom Debate
Are teen curfews a good idea? Have students use the authors’ ideas, as well as their own, in a debate.

6. Vote
Go online to vote in Upfront’s poll—and see how students across the country voted.  

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