The Gettysburg Address—delivered by Abraham Lincoln in 1863 after the bloodiest battle in the Civil War—is considered one of the most important speeches in U.S. history. Scholars have long pored over every detail, from its rhetoric to the kind of paper it was drafted on. But there’s one question experts haven’t been able to answer: Where exactly did Lincoln stand? Now researcher Christopher Oakley thinks he’s figured it out. Since the 1990s, visitors to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, have been told the hallowed spot lies just over a fence, in Evergreen Cemetery. But Oakley created a 3-D model based on 19th-century photos and found that the speaker’s platform would likely have been in the national cemetery, 20 yards away. Experts may continue debating the subject, but many recognize the significance of this new site. “When visitors come, they want to stand in the spot where Lincoln stood,” says park service historian Christopher Gwinn. “It takes him from being that marble god at the memorial in Washington, D.C., and makes him flesh and blood.”