Should Schools Eliminate Dress Codes?


Analyzing Authors’ Claims

YES: Andre Perry, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution

NO: Katherine Holden, Principal, Talent Middle School, Talent, Oregon

Analyze the Debate

1. Set Focus
Frame the inquiry with these essential questions: What is the role of schools in a society? What policies must schools set in order to fulfill that role?

2. Read and Discuss
Have students read the debate and then answer the following questions:

  • What is the issue being debated? How does it relate to current events? (The issue is whether schools should get rid of their dress codes. The issue is timely because many students, parents, and researchers have recently raised questions about the fairness of school dress codes.)
  • Evaluate why these two authors might be interested in and qualified to comment on this issue. (Andre Perry is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. One of his research areas is education. Katherine Holden is the principal of a middle school.)
3. Core Skill Practice
Project or distribute Analyzing Authors’ Claims and have students use the activity to analyze and evaluate each author’s arguments.

  • Analyze Perry’s view. (Perry argues in favor of schools eliminating dress codes. He says that school dress codes unfairly target girls and uphold outdated gender norms. He also says that dress codes unfairly target students of color, such as sending the message to Black students that their hair’s natural state is wrong.)
  • Analyze Holden’s view. (Holden argues against schools eliminating dress codes. She says that dress codes teach and give students opportunities to learn how to dress for success. She also says that dress codes, when implemented correctly, help maintain a calm and predictable setting at school that creates a safe and inclusive environment for learning.)

Extend & Assess

4. Writing Prompt
In an essay, evaluate one of the debaters’ arguments. Assess whether the reasoning is valid and whether it’s supported with evidence. Point out biases or missing information.

5. Classroom Debate
Should schools eliminate dress codes? Have students use the authors’ ideas, as well as their own, in a debate.

6. Vote
Go online to vote in Upfront’s poll—and see how students across the country voted.  

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