I sit 10 feet away from a co-worker in an open-plan workplace. He clears his throat loudly every few minutes all day long. I don’t know what to do. He’s a nice person, so I don’t want to upset him. I tried noise-canceling headphones, but I could still hear him. I am losing my mind! Please help.  —Co-Worker

I have no doubt that your colleague’s persistent throat clearing is distracting and annoying. I’m also fairly sure that he’s not doing it to annoy you. It’s probably a symptom of reflux, postnasal drainage, or a tic. Depending on your relationship, it may be fine to raise the subject gently with your co-worker. (He should probably see a doctor about it.) But if you’re not especially close, it’s probably wiser to speak with your supervisor. Part of their job is to manage employee issues with tact.

—Adapted from “Social Q’s” in The New York Times Magazine