The federal government began minting pennies with the establishment of the U.S. Mint, in 1792. Long-running government programs can be hard to change, especially when multiple agencies share responsibility. In the case of the penny, that’s Congress, the U.S. Mint, and the Federal Reserve, the nation’s central bank, which orders coins from the Mint.
Other countries, including New Zealand and Australia, got rid of their pennies. In Canada, which stopped making them in 2012, cash transactions get rounded to the nearest nickel, so customers pay, for instance, $3.80 for something calculated to cost $3.79.
Proponents of the penny say rounding up amounts to imposing an extra sales tax on some products, and Americans would never go for such a system.
Others disagree. Robert Whaples, an economist at Wake Forest University in North Carolina, studied tens of thousands of convenience-store transactions and found that rounded totals worked in the customer’s favor about as often as they didn’t. Given the tax on their time, he says, people would rather forgo the nuisance of counting change.
“The average American earns about a penny every two seconds,” he says. “If it takes you two seconds to use the penny, its value is wiped out.”