Historians say the veto power held by the five permanent Security Council members paralyzed the U.N. in responding to various regional crises that cropped up during its first 45 years—the years of the Cold War, when the U.S. and the Soviet Union were jockeying for global influence and took turns blocking any resolution that they thought might help the other.
Yet U.N. actions have still helped shape the modern world. In 1947, the U.N. created the state of Israel, partitioning the British-occupied territory of Palestine between the majority Arab population and the minority population of Jews, whose numbers were rapidly expanding with the arrival of displaced survivors of the Holocaust.
A few years later, U.N. peacekeeping forces defended South Korea during an invasion by Communist North Korea and brokered an armistice that has held for 70 years.
When the world’s two superpowers confronted each other in 1962 over the Soviet placement of ballistic missiles in Cuba, 90 miles from American shores, the tensions publicly played out during a Security Council meeting. U.N. ambassador Adlai Stevenson of the U.S. displayed photographs of the missiles taken by spy planes and challenged his Soviet counterpart to deny that his country planted the missile launchers, famously declaring: “I am prepared to wait for my answer until hell freezes over.” Behind the scenes, U Thant, the U.N. secretary general, mediated a deal between the U.S. and the Soviet Union to remove the missiles, preventing a nuclear Armageddon.
And from the late 1940s through the ’60s, the U.N. helped several African and Asian countries achieve and defend their independence from European colonial powers. Throughout the 1980s, it exerted pressure on South Africa until the government ended apartheid, its discriminatory system of White rule, in 1990. When the Cold War ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, there was a feeling of optimism that the U.N. could finally live up to its founders’ ideals.
But that hope didn’t last long. The U.N. peacekeeping response to civil wars that broke out in the former Yugoslav republics in the early 1990s failed to prevent the deaths of tens of thousands of civilians. And in 1994, in one of the darkest moments in the U.N.’s history, its members were too slow to act while Hutu extremists in Rwanda killed 800,000 Tutsis in an ethnic cleansing campaign, and Tutsis responded with retributive massacres.
Since then, the U.N. has come to realize that it can be most useful by intervening in conflicts where the warring parties are exhausted from fighting and are finally ready to rebuild.
“Well-meaning failures,” says Meisler, “forced the United Nations to scale down its ambitions.”