The town of Fujikawaguchiko, Japan—famous for its scenic views of Mount Fuji—has grown frustrated with misbehaving visitors. In response to littering, trespassing, and dangerous behavior by tourists, the town recently constructed a large mesh screen to block the view of the iconic mountain from a popular photo spot. This particular location, near a convenience store, started drawing large crowds after a photo from it went viral. Officials decided to construct the screen to deter tourists from flocking to the area and wreaking havoc. (Other cities are also struggling with an influx of visitors: Venice, Italy, for example, began charging some day-trippers entry fees this year.) The screen in Fujikawaguchiko seems to have worked, at least for the time being. In August, when officials had to take the mesh down to prevent typhoon damage, they noted that there had been a decline in tourists but said they would put the screen back up if the situation worsened again. “I welcome many visitors, and the town welcomes them too,” one local café owner told the Associated Press, “but there are many things about their manners that are worrying.”