Who’s Shrinking My Drink!


Critical Thinking, Cite Text Evidence

Companies have long reduced product sizes without lowering prices. Why are more people starting to notice?

Analyze the Article

1. Set Focus 
In what ways does having to pay more for things affect American families?

2. Read and Discuss 
Have students read the article, marking key ideas and questions. Then ask them to answer the following questions, citing text evidence:

  • What is “shrinkflation”? Why is it called that? (Shrinkflation is the practice of a company decreasing the size or amount of a product while charging the same price. The name is a combination of the words “shrink” and “inflation” because the effects of shrinkflation are similar to price inflation—consumers get less for their money.)
  • According to the article, why do companies practice shrinkflation? (According to Edgar Dworsky, companies know that people tend to be price conscious but don’t usually pay attention to the amount of product in the package. So instead of raising prices, companies shrink the product.)
  • What have other countries done to try to fight shrinkflation? What can American consumers do? (Some countries, such as Brazil and France, have passed laws requiring companies to disclose when they reduce a product’s size without also dropping its price. In the U.S., however, no such laws exist. Instead, consumers must do their own research, pay attention to shrinkflation, and make purchasing decisions accordingly.)

3. Core Skill Practice
Assign, print, or project the activity Find the Evidence. Have students use it to answer questions by citing textual evidence.

Extend & Assess

4. Writing Prompt
Does “shrinkflation” matter to you as a consumer? Write a brief opinion essay explaining why or why not.

5. Classroom Debate
Should the law require companies to inform American consumers when they reduce a product’s size?

6. Quiz & Skills
Use the quiz to assess comprehension and the Be the Editor skill sheet to review grammar and punctuation skills.

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